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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03/31/2010
Town of Buxton
Minutes for March 31, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Dianne Senechal

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Daniel T. Collomy, Linda W. Pulsoni and Peter E. W. Burns.  Robert C. Libby was absent.

Others Present:  Mike Grove, Bruce Mullen, Jack Chase, Lori & Steve Anthony, Peter Pinkham, Penny Booker, Dennis Santolucito, Keith Emery, Dave Harmon and Jeff Grinnell.

Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
  • Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m.

  • Pledge of Allegiance

  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Selectmen Meeting Minutes March 24, 2010.  Approved 4-0-1.

  • Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. – Dan Lakatos and Tom Ledue discussed the water issues in the Town Farm Road area.

  • Review of Correspondence

  • Email from FEMA – FEMA has announced that federal disaster aid has been made available to the State of Maine to supplement state and local recovery efforts
  • Weekly Legislative Bulletin
  • Email from John Duncan, PACTS Director – Re:  PACTS Video and April 8 luncheon regarding Gorham East West Corridor Feasibility Study
  • Emails from Maine Health Alert – Re:  Seasonal Influenza vaccine, Lyme Illness information and Tick Diseases
  • Review of Projects and Issues
Selectman Pulsoni reported that the Selectmen held a Workshop on Monday to review the Administration Budget.  Selectman Pulsoni reminded everyone that a Public Hearing will be held by the Charter Commission on the various forms of government that are proposed.  This is an opportunity for the public to present their views on the subject.

Selectman Collomy reported that he has a guy coming to look at the light poles and provide an estimate for painting.  Selectman Collomy reported that no rain is coming in the cupolas as they have been covered with plastic.  As soon as the rain stops, they will be repaired.

Selectman Burns reported that he attended the Saco River Cable Committee meeting last week.  He has requested that SAD #6 request equipment for the new Buxton Elementary School.  Selectman Burns reported that a public hearing will be held in May on the Time Warner Franchise issue.

Selectman Harmon stated that the Selectmen did meet on Monday night to review the Admin budget.  Selectman Harmon is been working on water issues with roads and the Town insurance renewal.  Selectman Harmon will meet with Ron Smith on Friday morning regarding the internal control document.  There is a FEMA meeting in Alfred on Friday morning that several people will be attending.

  • Old Business
Water Quality Issue – Fred Farnham has received a quote to fix the arsenic and taste issue with the water at the Town Office.  The quote was $3,700 and all the Selectmen agreed to the price and go ahead and fix the problem.

Antenna at Buxton Center – Chief Grovo is going over the supplies that are needed to get the antenna up.  Some of the old antennas can be used as salvage which will reduce the cost.

Internal Control Document – Selectman Harmon will be meeting with Ron Smith on Friday regarding the document.

Designated Smoking Areas – No change

Hanson School – Selectman Harmon reported that she had spoken with Bill Plouffe, the Town’s attorney regarding the school.  The Selectmen have been informed that they could reject taking the building over from the School District.  If the Town decided to lease the building, it would have to go to the voters.  The Selectmen decided to wait until the full Board was in attendance before voting on the issue.

  • New Business
The Selectmen received an email from the Superintendent’s office regarding a budget presentation.

  • Executive Orders
E.O.091003028 – An order to approve 24 hours of vacation time for Greg Heffernan.  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.091003029 – An order to approve Debi Rix’s attendance to the MMA Grant Funding Workshop on April 8.  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.091003030 – An order to approve the hire of Andrew Ward as a full time Dispatcher effective April 5, 2010 at a pay rate of $18.08 per hour.  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.091003031 – An order to approve an Application for Exemption from Local Taxation for a Widow of a Deceased Veteran for [Map 1, Lot 5-1].  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.091003032 – An order to approve a Poverty Abatement for Case No. PA10-001.
Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.091003033 – An order to approve 32 hours of paid time for Susan Myers.  
Approved 4-0-1.

  • Executive Orders by Initiative
E.O.091003034 – An order to appoint Jeremiah Ross to the Comprehensive Plan Committee until December 31, 2010.  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.091003035 – An order to award the Municipal Lawn Mowing contract to Knight Property Management in the amount of $3,600 per season for the 2010-2011 mowing season.  Approved 4-0-1.

  • Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants
E.O.091003026 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #40-10.  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.091003027 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#40-10.  Approved 4-0-1.

  • Next Meeting of the Board
Public Hearing Charter Commission Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Workshop Monday, April 5th at 6:00 p.m.
Budget Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Charter Commission Meeting Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

  • Other Business
Kindergarten Registration and screening will be held at the Town Office on Tuesday, April 6th from 9:00 – 2:00 p.m. in the large meeting room.

  • Public Comments and Questions
Keith Emery stated that now spring is here is the Town Garage water issue going to go back on the agenda.

Fire Chief, Bruce Mullen stated that there were many water issues around Town and he has a long list of people that need help.  He has told people that someone will inspect their issue and they will be put on a list in the order of priority.  He stated that residents must be courteous when they call as calls are coming in to pump lawns and fields.  The Town does not pump lawns and will only do basements that have enough water to use a pump.  

The Chief said he has had a fabulous crew working and people have come in on their day off to help.  He stated at last count 42 calls had come in and 20+ calls were to pump cellars.  The Town will pump cellars when there are storms like this, but the Fire Department will not be a homeowner’s plumber if they have other issues.

The Chief also wanted to respond to a question that was asked of him at the Budget Committee.  He was asked if he could safely run his department on the budget he presented and give the level of service residents are accustomed to.  The Chief stated that he had reviewed his budget with the final cuts and he felt that he could run the Department as his goal is to maintain equipment and ensure the safety of his employees and continue to provide service.

The Chief has also been asked if he had put money aside for the ISO rating to get to work toward a lower ISO rating level.  The Chief called Scarborough and they have been working for two years on the ISO rating and they have spent $5,500 for the team and $4,600 rating the water supply and are not done yet.  The ISO rating is not a quick deal and will cost money.  A lower ISO rating will affect businesses the most, not the general public.  The Chief will be looking at the 8B rating to see what is involved.

The Chief stated that he is very happy with his volunteers and he runs a tight ship with mandatory rules and trying to keep people happy is not always easy.  Last week he stated a member of the Board of Selectmen stated something to the effect that budgets could be passed if the Annual Meeting was stacked and the Fire Department was used as an example.  He stated his employees were upset at the remark.  They are residents and voters and can vote.  The Chief stated that last year six members of the Fire Department were at the Annual Meeting and three could not even vote and he did not feel that was stacking.

Selectman Harmon stated that she made the remark and she was sorry if she had offended anyone as that was not the intent.  Selectmen Pulsoni stated that the Fire Department had done it in the past.  It was also stated that the Police Department stacks the Annual Meeting for their own personal interest.

Jeff Grinnell stated that he is a tax payer and the former Fire Chief and he watched the Selectmen’s Meeting on Vimeo and he took offense to the comment last week.  He stated that when he was Fire Chief he would call members of the community for support.  He asked them to show up if they wanted to support the department.  He would try to get 3-5 members from each Fire Station and 3-5 from Rescue to attend.  He felt the residents should be able to voice their opinion and he did not consider 15 people from the Fire Department stacking the meeting.  

Dennis Santolucito stated that Charles McNutt had attempted to get recognized to speak at the School Committee Budget Meetings and was given a ‘no’.  Dennis felt that balancing the budget was at the expense of the municipal side.  Dennis felt that if a Department Head was allowed a higher budget they would probably only get it for one year and then it would be voted out the next year.

  • Executive Session

  • Adjournment
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting at 8:02 p.m.  Approved 4-0-1.